Reviews & Press

Roswell Pro Audio Microphone Reviews

Our microphones have been praised by the best and best-known reviewers and publications in the pro audio industry: Tape Op Magazine, Paul Vnuk of Recording Magazine, Barry Rudolph, Rob Tavaglione of PSN, Sound On Sound, and many more. You might also be interested in artist testimonials.

Mini K67x Review - Geoffrey Knecht (Tape Op Magazine), June 2024

Past trauma has taught me that effective musical multi-tools are typically too good to be true. The Mini K67x is a notable exception.

The Mini K67x has become my go-to for tracking guitar and vocals...

Download a PDF of the full review here.

Aztec Review - Rob Tavaglione (MIX Magazine), October 2023

The Aztec is a mic with a personality -- an eminently likable one -- but with an attitude and response that more often than not solves problems.

Read the full review here.

Aztec Review - Paul Vnuk (Recording Magazine), July 2023

It can sound a tad anti-climactic, saying a mic sounds good on anything, but Aztec is one such mic and then some. The kicker is this, just as the Mini K models are less than $500 mics [but] compete with mics twice their price, so it is here. I tried Aztec alongside some mics that I had on hand ranging from $5000–$7000, and it absolutely held its own in sonics and depth -- and I do not say that lightly.

Read the full review here [PDF].

Mini K67x Review - Paul Vnuk (Recording Magazine), August 2022

A pair of these mics should be on your shortlist. The Roswell Pro Audio Mini K67x is one of those rare affordable, mid-priced mic options with a unique sound that performs well beyond its price bracket.

Read the full review here [PDF].

Mini K87 Review - Eli Crews (Tape Op Magazine), May 2020

I love this mic. I love its price. And I love its accessories. I've been telling everyone who will listen to buy a pair of them. My prediction is that Roswell will sell a ton of them because when you make something this good, people notice.

Read the full review here.

Performer Magazine, Apr/May 2020

Mini K87 Review - Chris Devine (Performer Magazine), Apr/May 2020

It's a fantastic workhorse condenser that exceeds expectations.

Read the full review here.

Mini K87 Review - Paul Vnuk (Recording Magazine), February 2020

If you want forward color, pick the Mini K47. If you want neutral with a touch of richness, go with the Mini K87. The best part is still the mini-price of the new Roswell Mini K87—at $399 street, I might recommend a Mini K87 pair, or a Mini K47/87 combo, possibly before I’d consider a single $800–$900 mic. Seriously, these mics sound that good.

Read the full review here.

Mini K47 Review - Mark Davie (AudioTechnology), February 2020

Roswell has used its DIY heritage to carefully sync a K47-style capsule with a transformer less circuit in a way that doesn’t sound shrill, but instead has a tendency to bring out the power in your instruments.

Read the full review here.

Sound On Sound, Feb 2020

Mini K87 Review - Paul White (Sound On Sound), February 2020

This is a very capable studio microphone that combines a natural sound with just a little gentle flattery, and it can be obtained for a very sensible price.

Read the full review here.

Delphos II Review - Paul Vnuk, October 2019

It has the clear neutral tonality of a classic solid-state mic, with a detailed yet nicely smooth top end. Every studio needs a mic or two with this kind of sound and style.

Read the full review here.

Barry Rudolph / Music Connection, 2019-06

Delphos II Review - Barry Rudolph, May 2019

Immediately, my singer remarked how great he sounded on the Delphos II. It has a forward and warm sound that is clear without being excessively bright.

Read the full review here.

Tape Op

Colares Review - Tape Op / Adam Kagan & Eli Crews, January 2019

EC: If I can hear the space the singer is in—I favor slightly live rooms over dead spaces for recording vocals–and all of their micro-dynamics are intact, then I develop an emotional relationship with the vocal performance that I just don’t get if there isn’t enough detail. The Colares delivered this detail in an extremely impressive way. I feel like the only other microphones that have given me as much detail as the Colares cost five to ten times as much.

AK: The Colares’ price puts it squarely in a niche above the entry-level fare, but well below its intended competition. In fact, in the $1200 to $4000 price range we could use more microphones with the sonic and build quality of the Colares.

Read the full review here.

Pro Sound News

Colares Review - PSN / Rob Tavaglione, January 2019

During months of testing, I tried the Colares on a wide range of sources and found its versatility outdone only by its ability to specialize..Yes, the Colares can be exceptionally colorful and “character driven,” and that’s what makes it special—but with its unique pad, it can be an entirely different, neutral and “invisible” mic, which makes it really valuable. Its ability to express both personalities well makes the Colares a secret weapon mic, one worthy of being toted around in that travel case, able to handle just about anything thrown at it. It’s $1,259 direct from Roswell and worth every penny.

Read the full review here, or download the PDF here.

Ask Audio

Colares Review - Ask•Audio, November 2018

The Colares is well-deserving of its position as the new flagship of the Roswell line; its clarity, presence, and vintage character stand up to both vintage mics and modern reissues, and its take on the classic Ela M 251 puts it in excellent company.

Read the full review here.

Barry Rudolph / Music Connection, 2017-11

Colares Review - Barry Rudolph, October 2018

My very first test was for a male singer singing and playing acoustic guitar at the same time. I recorded without EQ and just a little low-ratio compression. The results were remarkable! I got the presence and size I usually acquire from multi-thousand dollar vintage tube microphones.

Read the full review here.

Recording Magazine, 2018-10Colares Review - Recording Magazine, October 2018

We were very pleased to see that the Colares was pictured on the cover of this issue. Here is an excerpt from the review:

I would recommend it as a great mic for adding boldness and harmonic excitement to any source in a mix that you want to highlight. I loved it on drum overheads; blended in with the rest of the up-close kit pieces, it gave the cymbals and even the snare and toms a nice saturated sound, rather than just brightness and sizzle.

On vocals, the phrase that comes to mind is “larger than life.” The saturation circuit is perfect here, as a singer can lean into the mic and add a bit of harmonic excitement that should make for an equally exciting vocal performance…especially since it can be controlled by their own proximity and volume level in a very organic way.

What I loved most about this mic is that it starts with a classic big clean sound, then takes it into new sonic areas. It’s a truly unique beast in a zoo of me-too clones—exciting to use, experiment with, and discover new sounds.

Download the full review here [1.8MB PDF].

San Diego Troubador, 2018-01Delphos Review - San Diego Troubadour, January 2018

Considering that this mic can handle any and every task placed before it…not just ably but admirably, brings me to the simple conclusion that if you could only afford to own just one mic…the Roswell Audio Delphos is that mic.

Download the full review here [114KB PDF], or see it online here.

Pro Sound News, Apr 2017

Mini K47 Review - PSN / Rob Tavaglione, January 2018

A Mini K47 is a useful addition to any mic locker, but I can especially recommend one (or a pair really) for those just building their mic collections. They’ll find the kit to be durable, the mics sonically flexible and the tonality “mix ready” with a ready-to-go sound that requires little help…Roswell scores again!

Read the full review here, or download the PDF here.

Audio Producer News

Delphos Review - Audio Producer News, December 2017

It is a classy looking microphone with a classy, clear, and balanced sound to match and it would legitimately earn its spot in my mic collection any day…The Delphos is undoubtedly a winner—a no-brainer alternative to a U87 or any other microphone of that style. I don’t want to send this one back.

Read the full review here.

Barry Rudolph / Music Connection, 2017-11

Mini K47 Review - Barry Rudolph, November 2017

So I'm recommending getting a pair of Roswell Pro Audio Mini K47s! I always suggest (if possible) buying pro audio gear in pairs and matched microphones are no exception. A great choice for drum overheads, vocals, electric guitar amps or acoustic guitars, the Roswell Pro Audio Mini K47 sells for $299 MAP individually or $699 MAP for a closely matched pair!

Read the full review here.

Professional Audio Magazine, 2017-09

Delphos Review - Professional Audio, September 2017

[The Delphos] stands out with its unique, warm, and punchy sound full of character. In addition, it offers a best-in-class finish with lots of attention to detail. For those of you looking for a distinct sonic signature off the beaten path of the microphone mainstream, the Delphos should be a sound investment.

Read the full review here.

Pro Sound News, Apr 2017

Delphos Review - PSN / Rob Tavaglione, April 2017

Long story short, the mic seems to excel at just about everything. It really is flexible and versatile enough to earn the ellusive “one mic good enough for everything” moniker of flexible excellence…

I have discovered an affordable, versatile, non-colored, do-it-all microphone to capture most anything under the sun.

Read the full review here.

Tape Op Magazine, Jan/Feb 2017

Delphos Review - Tape Op, January 2017

I’m really, really impressed with the Delphos. It’s a fantastic workhorse mic that shines in a variety of situations, and its price puts it within reasonable reach for most studios and recordists. The Roswell Delphos should easily earn a place even within the most well-stocked mic lockers.

Download the full review here [1.6MB PDF], or see it online here.

Music Connection, 2017-01

Company Feature - Music Connection, January 2017

Roswell’s mics provide a distinctive sound and a performance level normally associated with far more expensive devices.

Read the full feature here [522KB].
Ask Audio

Delphos Review - Ask•Audio, January 2017

I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with the Delphos…You’ll get a clear, concise, and lightly colored result, regardless of the source…It’s wonderful to find a mic that has a vintage voice without the vintage price…If you want a mic that sounds uniquely delicious and unlike anything your competition has in their mic locker (yet), you’ll certainly want to check out the Delphos.

Read the full review here.

Mini K47 Review - San Diego Troubadour, January 2017

I received a matched of pair of Roswell Mini K47 condenser mics and used them constantly for a couple of weeks on a wide range of sources: vocals, acoustic and electric guitars, drums, percussion, and accordion. I’m here to tell you that it has been and will remain my studio’s go-to mic for the foreseeable future.

Download the full review here [262KB PDF], or see it online here.

Recording Magazine, 2016-12

Delphos Review - Recording Magazine, December 2016

If you read many of my reviews, you’ll know I’m very cautious about saying a microphone bests or goes toe to toe with mics twice its price, but the more I use it, the more I think Delphos is one such mic. It stands comfortably alongside many $1500–$1800 mics in my collection, and it looks as classy as it sounds!

Download the full review here [2.1MB PDF].

Recording Magazine, 2016-05

Aurora Review - Recording Magazine, May 2016

(The Aurora was a predecessor to the Delphos, sold briefly in 2016 but significantly upgraded to create the Delphos.)

Due to its neutral fullness, the Aurora can be used on pretty much any source you choose with little concern or issues. Its smooth yet natural top end puts it squarely in the “this could be your only microphone” and/or “workhorse” category.

The Aurora is a brilliant complement to the Mini K47 and a truly exceptional all-around mic.

Download the full review here [1.8MB PDF].

Professional Audio Magazine, 2016-04

Mini K47 Review - Professional Audio Magazine, April 2016

The fine resolution and the good transient response (particularly for a large diaphragm condenser) of the Mini K47 indeed yield an expensive, high-quality sound. In this respect, this affordable microphone can take on rivals that would typically cost at least twice the money. That’s quite an accomplishment.

From the lowest string of an acoustic guitar up to the highest note of a female singer, from a long, sustained swell to an abrupt, percussive strum on the guitar strings—the Mini K47 manages to capture all these signals with confidence, graceful contours, and a natural liveliness. As such, a single Mini K47 could well be the ideal “one fits all” solution for just about any vocal or voiceover talent, as well as acoustic instruments that would call for a close-mic application.

Download the full review, in its original German, here [536k PDF], or the English translation here [826k PDF].

Sound On Sound, 2016-04

Mini K47 Review - Sound On Sound, April 2016

You get a big vocal sound but without any obvious coloration—the flattery is subtle. Moving the mic far enough away to lose the proximity effect reveals a well-balanced sound that still retains plenty of weight. Definitely a mic for your shortlist.

Download the full review here [1MB PDF].

Tone Report Weekly, Dec 25, 2015

Mini K47 Review - Tone Report Weekly, December 25, 2015

For a condenser mic, this is incredibly warm. It really captured the detail of each clip, and brought forth a bit of high end sparkle to each tone. On all fronts it really succeeded where most condensers fail: adding color and smooth high-end detail to even the most basic of guitar tones.

Download the full review here [3.9MB PDF].

Tape Op Magazine, Sept-Oct 2015

Mini K47 Review - Tape Op Magazine, September 2015

[On drum overheads,] the pair of Roswells delivered quite a meaty sound. The toms spoke in a lovely manner, the “air” I look for on the snare was there, the imaging (using ORTF configuration) was great, and the cymbal articulation was wonderful. The Mini K47 is a perfect choice for recordists who want the full picture of the drums in their overheads. As I listened to playback, I kept being reminded of the nice thickness you hear when using ribbons on overheads, but the Mini K47 tracks didn’t have that “squishy” sound that ribbons can impart. I think the Mini K47 would also work great as a room mic because of its ability to tame the splashy sound of a brighter room.

The Roswell Mini K47 is one of the best utility mics I’ve used. It sounds great on a number of sources, fitting them perfectly into a mix. It takes EQ well (when needed), and it seems happy to do anything you ask it to do. $299 for a mic of this quality is beyond fair—it’s a steal.

Download the full review here [222k PDF].

Recording Magazine, September 2015

Mini K47 Review - Recording Magazine, September 2015

The Mini K47 is an impressive debut for Roswell Pro Audio. It is not just one of the best entry-level mics money can buy, it is also one of those workhorse mics that will find use in a mic locker forever, regardless of whatever other microphones one owns.

Download the full review here [807k PDF].