Colares Audio Samples

Click here for more information on the Roswell Colares studio condenser microphone. Or scroll down for video demos and audio samples.
Male Vocals
Latin artist Camilo recorded a "scratch" vocal track of his song "La Dificil" on a Colares, fully intending to re-record them later on a vintage ElaM 251... but found after the session that he liked the Colares track better. Now the song has nearly 100 million views on Youtube. (Kudos and thanks to Andres Saavedra, the song's producer, for always having a Colares on a stand, ready to go!)
Hear the Colares in this high-energy remake of the Van Halen version of the Kinks' classic, "You Really Got Me," starring Brian Geller of the Atomic Punks on lead vocals:
Longtime Roswell friend and endorsee Lij Shaw recorded Jonathan Jircitano's haunting song, "Wolves," using the Colares and Delphos microphones. This is really nice:
Female Vocals
Andres Saavedra produced a song for Columbian pop start Pitizion (Maria Del Pilar Pérez), using the Colares for Maria's incredibly intimate vocals. Andres commented to us that this track captured one of his favorite vocal sounds of all time.
Keiko and Ryo Okumoto recorded the Spock's Beard song "Carie" live in the studio through Roswell microphones. Keiko's vocals were tracked through the Roswell Colares. Ryo's piano was recorded with a pair of Mini K47s.
Drum Overheads (AKG C12 Comparison)
Filmed live at the Tracking Room in Nashville: compare the Colares to the studio's pair of vintage C12s on drum overheads. (Preamps by Coil Audio and CAPI!)
Male and Female Vocals - Warren Huart Review
Hear two very different vocal styles in Warren's review of the Colares.
Male Vocals and Harmonies - Spectre Media Review
Glenn Fricker put the Colares on lead and harmony vocals, and it sounds amazing!
Pop quiz - how far back should the singer stand for BV? How about six feet? I can't argue with the results...
Glenn comments, "I'm super impressed with the colares. I'm going to be reaching for it quite a bit from now on because it just plain sounds awesome."
AudioCzar Review
Chris "Czar" Smith put the Colares on female vocals, male rap vocals, bass, and sax in this extensive hands-on review:
Although we didn't design the Colares for voiceover, it sounds great on the narrator in this clever product video from our friends at Spectre Media Group:
Guitar and Vocals
Hear Rob Leines on vocals and guitar, recorded live in the studio with a single Colares mic:
Delphos II vs Colares Comparison
Chris "Czar" Smith made a video to compare the Delphos II to the Colares. These two mics pursue different sonic colors, with the Delphos II being more neutral and cleaner, and the Colares being brighter, more open, "bigger," and richer with harmonics. Both mics have their place, and every engineer will have favorite applications for both.