Aztec Audio Samples

Click here for more information on the Roswell Aztec tube microphone. Or scroll down for video demos and audio samples.
Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Keys, Drums
We tracked the Stevie Wonder classic, "Higher Ground," with the Roswell Aztec, Colares, and Delphos II. The video below is the all-Aztec mix. We used the mic on male vocals, female vocals, guitar cab, bass cab, keyboard cab, and drum overheads.
The Mini K47 KD (kick drum mic) was used on the kick drum.
Female Vocal, Piano, Guitars, Bass, Drums
The gang at Ultimate Studios wrote a short song to exercise the mic. The track is only 75 seconds long, but shows off two electric guitars, acoustic guitar, bass (through a guitar rig), drums, and female vocals.
Notable timestamps:
- Hear all 9 polar patterns on acoustic guitar
- Hear all 9 polar patterns on drum overheads
- Hear the complete performance
Female Vocal
Karina Iglesias and Camilo Velandia arranged this medley of Beyonce songs. This was recorded with the Aztec on vocals, and a Mini K87 on acoustic guitar.
Acoustic Strings
Camilo Velandia tested two acoustic guitars, a Cordoba ukulele, adn 12-string Veillette Gryphon. This video compares the Aztec to the Colares, Delphos II, and all the Mini K models.
Drum Overheads (with Chad Wackerman)
Stu Hamm, Toshi Yanagi, and Chad Wackerman recorded this Reggae-fied interpretation of the Brian May/Queen song We Will Rock You, live in the studio. This video was excerpted from a livestream broadcast, with no overdubs or edits.
Female Vocals
Hear Sophia Mojo record lead vox through the Aztec.
(The bass cab was miked with a Roswell Colares. The room mics for the drum tracking were Roswell Delphos.)